Australia 2019 - Great Ocean Road



Lorne - views of the Great Ocean Road



Bells Beach Surfer



Cape Otway Light Station



The Twelve Apostles



The Twelve Apostles



The Twelve Apostles



The Twelve Apostles



The Merri Jig Inn, Port Fairy



Mount Gambier Blue Lake



Robe Light Station



Obelisk, Robe


<Melbourne            Top              Adelaide>

Australian Travel Photos:-


The weather was not too kind for most of our drive along the Great Ocean Road. However it was still a memorable trip with a variety of things to do & see along the way from Melbourne to Adelaide. The journey was spread over 5 days, staying in Lorne, Port Campbell, Port Fairy and Robe along the way.

Though the Twelve Apostles rocks were supposed to be the big draw on this trip, I frankly found them an overcrowded disappointment. Though to be fair, there were some good photo opportunities, but again shame about the weather.



We thoroughly enjoyed the Tower Hill Reserve. Set in the large crater of an extinct volcano there were a lot of animals to see including Koalas in the wild. We had a fascinating guided talk and walk - but again not from an indigenous aborigine but from a knowledgeable and enthusiastic "white" Australian.


All the accommodation we stayed in was great. We particularly liked the Merri Jig Inn in Port Fairy, the oldest Inn in Victoria.


The Lighthouse (or Light Station) in Robe - and some others we noticed were a "pinched" triangular shape in cross-section. I never did figure out why.



The Obelisk in Robe was built to help mariners sailing this treacherous coast line. It was used to store rockets which were fired to distressed ships which carried lifelines and baskets for bringing passengers to shore, thus saving many lives.

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